Welcome To The Program!
The SA/BA calisthenics program is a comprehensive routine designed for intermediate trainees.
Weekly Schedule
The workout should be performed 4x a week.
Example of weekly schedule:
Mon: Straight arm day
Tue: Rest
Wed: Bent arm day
Thur: Rest
Fri: Straight arm day
Sat: Bent arm day
Sun: Rest
You can do skill work or practice other sports on rest days, no need to be a couch potato on rest days.
Rest periods
- Rest 90 sec between compound exercise (the whole first part of the workout + strength skills)
That way you get 3-4 minutes of rest between exercises
Progressions are a way of progressive overloading, by adjusting the difficulty of the exercise.
How to use progression:
- Pick a progression in which you can at least perform 3 sets of 5 reps on your first session.
- Move on to a harder progression when you can perform 10 reps more and can perform 3 sets of 5 reps of the next progression.
Reps in reserve (RIR)
Reps in reserve (RIR) is a concept used to gauge the intensity of an exercise.
If you stop a set and feel you could have done two more reps, that’s an RIR of 2.
The notation: RIR = 2,1,0 means you leave 2 reps in reserve on the first set, 1 on the second and go to failure on the third and final set (ie. 0 reps in reserve)
If you have any other doubts or questions check out the FAQ.