Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Straight arm day
Superset 1 (front lever & planche/back lever holds)
1. Front lever hold
Use the following progressions:
tuck -> anvanced tuck -> (one-legged ->) half lay -> straddle -> full
2. Back lever or Planche
Do either a Back lever or Planche progression depending on your goals
Use the progressions:
tuck -> anvanced tuck -> (one-legged ->) half lay -> straddle -> full
You can use bands to help bridge the gap between progressions.
Superset 2 (Front lever pull, Back lever pulls/Planche leans & DB Maltese Press)
1. Front lever raise
You can use the same progression as for the holds: tuck -> anvanced tuck -> (one-legged ->) half lay -> straddle -> full
2A. Back lever raise
2B. Planche lean/Assisted planche hold
3. Maltese dumbell press 10-20r x 2-3
Bent arm day
Superset 1 (Pull ups & Dips/HSPU)
1. Pull Up Progression 5-12r x 3
Pick a progression you can do with good form for at least 5 reps, once you reach 12 reps move on to a harder progression or add weight.
2. Dip or Handstand Push Up Progression 5-12r x 3
Choose whatever progression path you are more interested in pursuing.
2A. Dip progressions
2B. Handstand push up progressions
Try the following progressions:
Pike -> Elevated pike -> wall handstand push up -> handstand push up
Don’t flare your elbows as much as me on the wall hs push up 😅 #stillworkingonit
Also you can use parallettes to get a bigger range of motion