An illustration of the main workout: progression & exercises
Table of Contents
Superset 1 (Pull ups & Dips/HSPU)
1. Pull Up Progression 5-12r x 3
Pick a progression you can do with good form for at least 5 reps, once you reach 12 reps move on to a harder progression or add weight.
2. Dip or Handstand Push Up Progression 5-12r x 3
Choose whatever progression path you are more interested in pursuing.
2A. Dip progressions
2B. Handstand push up progressions
Try the following progressions:
Pike -> Elevated pike -> wall handstand push up -> handstand push up
Don’t flare your elbows as much as me on the wall hs push up 😅 #stillworkingonit
Also you can use parallettes to get a bigger range of motion
Superset 2 (Rows, Push ups & Squats)
1. Row progression 5-12r x 3
2. Push up progression 5-12r x 3
3. Squat progression 5-12r x 3
Strength skills or Core and isolation
In this section of the workout, you either choose to train A. Strength skills or B. Core and isolation depending on your goals, but do not do both!
Muscle up training is optional.
A. Strength skills
1. Front lever progression
Use the following progressions:
tuck -> anvanced tuck -> (one-legged ->) half lay -> straddle -> full
2. Back lever or Planche progression
Do either a Back lever or Planche progression depending on your goals
Use the following progressions:
tuck -> anvanced tuck -> (one-legged ->) half lay -> straddle -> full
You can use bands to help bridge the gap between progressions
Hold times and sets:
3. Muscle ups (optional)
Pick a progression you can do for at least 5 reps and perform 3 sets.
B. Core and isolation
Pick a variation that you can do in the rep range prescribed.